The beginning missions can feel repetitive, but only because you're slaying Titans mission after mission.

I'm not going to go into too much detail on this due to spoilers, but Eren does transform and you get to fight in both duels with the Female Titan. It covers all of the main points and once you're done with the story, you're left with a series of Survey Corps quests that eventually unlock the final epilogue missions, surpassing that of the Animé as it follows the Beast Titan and the rampage to come. To begin, the story of Wings of Freedom is a condensed take on season 1 of the Animé. So how exactly does Attack on Titan: Wings of Freedom fare? Dragonball Z: Budokai and the Budokai Tenkaichi series were admittedly some of the better Animé titles out there, but up until Xenoverse, Dragonball failed to capture the essence of the show while the One Piece titles have been nothing but lacklustre in everything but looks. I own several One Piece titles (Unlimited World Red on PS3, Romance Dawn on 3DS) and have played and owned some of the better PS1 and PS2 Dragonball titles, but they rarely end up being anything more than a disappointment. In an industry where many companies try to cash in on the success of popular Animé series, fans will be quick to jump on these titles, only to be left with a foul taste in their mouth, as to be quite honest the games just generally aren't very good.